Oh yeah. And holy motherfucking shit! I found out today that George R R Martin is going to be in New Mexico come November 29th! And he's going to be at my favorite indy bookstore in Albuquerque, Page One
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That link takes you to an entry of his where he posts a link to the audio book download of the first chapter of his new book coming out at the end of September: Anansi Boys. I'm so excited about this book and George R. R. Martin's
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So Friday afternoon, around 3:00 or so, we lose internet connection yet again. Lovely. So I'm on the phone with our ISP yet again. Lovely. They are talking to their subcontractor, (why they have a subcontractor is beyond my understanding of IT management) and no one understands why we are having so many problems with our service. They have
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So yes, I am still working through George R. R. Martin's A Clash of Kings. I've found that I can basically promise that I'll be able to get through about 100 pages a week in reading my "pleasure" reading at the moment. 20 pages a day during the work week and an unknown amount during the weekend. Some weekends more than others. ( I don't want to spoil anything for anyone )
It's been recommended to me by a fellow Gaiman fan that I should read Neverwhere before I get into George RR Martin. It might be a good call, so my reading list may need to change so that I start my George reading this coming weekend (or the following week) rather than this evening.